We Built a Pixel Ruler Generator

This goes out to all developers and designers dealing with … screens!

For pure relexation we just built a little online generator for creating rulers to measure distances in pixels on your screen. No software required. Just download a ruler template generated for the dpi you enter, print the PDF and start to measure margins, paddings and CGRects on your iPhone, Macbook, or any other screens.

→ Go to our Pixel Ruler Generator page and give it a try

Context At moment we are working hard on an a major update of Pinning and another super secret project. To stay fresh and keep our minds from running into the infamous reality distortion field we created a new Labs page that will feature tools and scripts we built as side projects worth sharing. This Pixel Ruler Generator is the first one.

Have fun measuring.

Anything to add? We are always just one Tweet away. Not your thing? Mail us. We are excited to hear from you. Seriously.